School reopening in Bangalore is one of the major questions which will take fires in this lockdown period of COVID-19 which is on the peak level and making people infected day by day and with the Question that when we will win this fight with CORONA VIRUSschool reopening question raising these days now in the front of government and school and colleges managements
The parents and students have eagerly waiting for the response from the school and state government to reopen the school again and trying to end the suspense that exactly which date is perfect for reopen and after reopening is the class going on the same as like as earlier?
The primary and secondary education minister Suresh Kumar confirmed that the school will not open in the months of July because of the coronavirus spreading on the fire, which means in the august months maybe school will come back on the track with some changes and following new rule.

Ministry confirmed they can’t take risks to students’ and children’s life because of the huge number of students in one class, whereas the management of schools also faces huge challenges to reopen the school due to the massive strength of students.
which cant be able to fit in the school after maintaining social distancing, some of the big school like Carmel School, Padmanabhanagar with 5800 number of students have planning to make the class in the double shift by dividing half students and taking a class in the playground and auditoriums,
But that makes pressure on the teacher and transport to maintain all the batch in double shifting whereas some of the schools in Bangalore planning to take a class in the alternate days
Among this, the sound of some few rule and regulations may be started that after school will reopen all the students have mandatory to wear the mask and keep sanitize, few schools will also starting sanitizing the students before entering the class
The parents have asked for the parents-teacher meeting before the school will back on the track that who take the responsibility,

Some of the schools already started online classes and they may be continued to taking online classes in the next months to that but
Then there is also the problem occurred that all the students have not able to sit in the online class due to many reasons
Most numbers of schools have planned and giving the new idea to reopening the school colleges by the odd-even roll number system and shift by shift, whereas few of the schools clearly ups their hand by saying that it is impossible to maintain these rules
School reopening in Bangalore date
On the other hand for the students of 10th and 12th, the central government informed that they are ready to take the 10th CBSE exams which are not done due to the spread of the virus.
The government confirmed and announced to all the school to make the home center to taking rest of the exams so that students do not need to visit the other center schools in this pandemic conditions
The central government have ordered and convinced the parents and students don’t send their children out of the country for any type of higher studies, government convincing that they have better colleges and university in compare to the other country.
Parents opinion on School reopening in Bangalore and other major city
According to a survey the only 8 to 10% parents are agreed to school reopening and they send their children again to the school,
But till now the majority of parents are worried about their children after listening to the news of some country will reopen their school and their students getting infected day by day.
Maximum parents and guardians want to take more break before reopening, along with this few of them also wants to fee wived of their children of the last three months,
Cause of this few schools and colleges do not agree with this that if they waived the fee then how they pay the fee of their teachers.
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